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  • Dexamethasone: Indications

    Dexamethasone would be most useful for which of the following conditions:

  • Exclusion Period for Mumps

    What is the school exclusion period of mumps:

  • Infectious Disease caused by Clostridium Perfringens

    Clostridium perfringens primarily causes which of the following infectious diseases:

  • Contents of the Inguinal Canal

    A 21 year old man presents to ED complaining of groin pain. Examination reveals an indirect inguinal hernia. Which of the following nerves i

  • Natural Killers Cells

    Natural killers cells are predominantly part of which component of the immune system:

  • Types of Data

    An FY2 in ED is collecting retrospective data for an audit on headache. He records the number of patients with headaches seen per day and fo

  • x

    Vancomycin: Side Effects

    Which of the following adverse effects is least likely to be attributed to vancomycin:

  • Lithium: Drug Interactions

    Which of the following classes of drugs may predispose to lithium toxicity:

  • Definition of Positive Predictive Value

    Which of the following best describes the positive predictive value of a diagnostic test:

  • x

    Nerves of the Lumbar Plexus

    The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is formed from the anterior rami of:

  • Clinical Effects of Shoulder Joint Dislocation

    A 28 year old man is brought to ED with a severely painful arm after being involved in a collapsed scrum during a rugby match. An x-ray of h

  • Pharmacological Management of Gout

    A 34 year old overweight man, who has a history of gout, presents to ED with an acutely exquisitely tender big toe. His big toe is red, hot

  • x

    Types of Vaccines

    Which of the following is NOT an example of a vaccine produced from polysaccharide extracts:

  • Factors affecting Airway Smooth Muscle

    All of the following cause bronchodilation, EXCEPT for:

  • Surface Anatomy of the Ureter

    The ureters arise at which of the following vertebral levels:

  • Regulation of Iron Metabolism

    Regarding hepcidin, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • ECG Deflections during the Cardiac Cycle

    Which of the following represents ventricular depolarisation on the ECG:

  • Attachments of the Anterior Scalene Muscle

    The anterior scalene muscle originates from which of the following structures:

  • Organisation of Skeletal Muscle

    Regarding skeletal muscle, which of the following best describes a fascicle:

  • Eosinophils

    Eosinophils comprise what percentage of circulating white cells:

  • Relative Fluid Distribution in Fluid Spaces

    Which of the following fluid compartments contains the greatest volume of water:

  • Dermatomal supply of the Upper Limb

    A 32 year old motorcyclist has been brought in following a head on collision with a car. Following initial resuscitation, you are performin

  • Pathway of the Gag Reflex

    Which of the following nerves is the afferent pathway of the gag reflex:

  • Dermatomal Supply of the Lower Limb

    A 27 year old woman presents to the Emergency Department complaining of progressive weakness in her lower limbs following a recent episode o

  • Blood Supply of the Heart

    A 68 year old man presents to ED with sudden onset severe chest pain and is found to suffered a myocardial infarction in the area of the ape

  • Insulin: Mechanism of Action

    Which of the following is NOT an action of insulin:

  • Abnormal Bleeding

    Which of the following clinical features is more typical of a coagulation disorder than a platelet disorder:

  • Structures passing through the Parotid Gland

    Which of the following structures does NOT pass through the parotid gland:

  • Function of Parathyroid Hormone

    You are reviewing a patient with hypocalcaemia secondary to hypoparathyroidism. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) acts to increased calcium reabsorp

  • Function of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide

    Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) has the primary function of which of the following:

  • Atlas vs Axis

    Regarding the cervical vertebrae, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Mechanism of the Gastric Mucosal Barrier

    Regarding protection of the gastric mucosa, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Wound Healing

    A patient presents to ED with a superficial wound to his right forearm. It is decided to let the wound heal by primary intention.Which type

  • Management of Infective Endocarditis

    A 27 year old man is sent in by his GP. He is complaining of a general malaise and fever over the last week and his GP has noted a new harsh

  • Adult vs Foetal Oxygen Dissociation Curve

    Regarding the foetal oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Lymphatic Drainage of the Breast

    A 40 year old woman is found to have a suspicious breast lump just superior and lateral to the areolar region of her left breast. She underg

  • Calculation of the Anion Gap

    You are calculating the anion gap of an unconscious patient with a metabolic acidosis. Which of the following anions are required to calcula

  • Propofol: Pharmacology

    Regarding propofol, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Production of Cortisol

    Cortisol is secreted by which of the following:

  • Clinical Effects of Radial Nerve Injury

    A 35 year old man attends ED having been thrown off his mountain bike and fallen onto his right arm. You note numerous abrasions and bruise

  • Movements of the Knee Joint

    A 43 year old man presents to the ED complaining of weakness at the right knee. On examination you note he is unable to extend the leg at th

  • Function of the Juxtaglomerular Apparatus

    What is the role of the macula densa cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus:

  • Dynamic Compression of the Airways

    Regarding dynamic compression of the airways, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Function of the Facial Nerve

    Which of the following muscles is NOT supplied by the facial nerve:

  • Clinical Effects of Median Nerve Injury

    A 29 year old patient has sustained a laceration to his arm and damaged the nerve that lies medially in the antecubital fossa. What loss of

  • x

    Mechanism of Synaptic Transmission

    Neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic membrane is triggered by:

  • x

    Clinical Effects of Oculomotor Nerve Lesion

    Which of the following features is NOT typical of oculomotor (CN III) palsy:

  • x

    Function of Antidiuretic Hormone

    How does antidiuretic hormone (ADH) increase water reabsorption in the kidneys:

  • x

    Disturbance of Acid-Base Balance

    What pattern of acid-base disturbance is shown by the blood gas results (on normal air) below: pH = 7.37 PaO2 9 kPa PaCO2 = 7.5 k

  • Causative Agent of Scarlet Fever

    A 5 year old child is brought to ED with a widespread sandpaper-like rash and a sore tongue shown below. She has been off school over the l

  • Glucagon: Contraindications

    Glucagon is contraindicated in which of the following:

  • Anatomical Course of the Subclavian Artery

    Regarding the subclavian artery, which of the following statement is INCORRECT:

  • Partial Pressures of Oxygen During Respiration

    Regarding the partial pressure of oxygen during respiration, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Clinical Features of Croup

    A 3 year old child is brought into ED with fever, a barking cough and difficulty breathing. On examination you note inspiratory stridor, tac

  • x

    Metronidazole: Mechanism of Action

    What is the main mechanism of action of metronidazole:

  • Heart Sounds during the Cardiac Cycle

    When does the third heart sound occur:

  • Red Blood Cells

    Regarding red blood cells, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Adenosine: Indications

    Adenosine is primarily indicated for which of the following:

  • Clinical Features of Conn's Syndrome

    A patient is sent to ED by her GP with severe hypertension. She has recently been diagnosed with Conn's syndrome. Which of the following cli

  • Mechanism of Action of Diuretics

    Where in the nephron do loop diuretics primarily act:

  • x

    Function of the Distal Collecting System

    Regarding the distal nephron, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Factors affecting the Starling Curve

    Preload is primarily dependent on the:

  • Clinical Effects of Radial Nerve Injury

    A 34 year old woman sustains a midshaft humerus fracture with nerve damage falling off a horse. Which of the following movements would most

  • Muscles of the Anterior Leg

    Which of the following muscles is NOT found in the anterior compartment of the leg:

  • Risk Factors for Legionnaires' Disease

    A patient presents to ED unwell with a high fever, breathlessness and a cough. Chest x-ray demonstrates a left lower lobe pneumonia. His CUR

  • Characteristics of Staphylococcus Aureus

    An outbreak of Staphylococcal food poisoning has occurred at a local military unit. Which of the following statements regarding Staphylococc

  • Control of Exocrine Pancreas Secretion

    Regarding the exocrine pancreas, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Blood Supply of the Duodenum

    The arterial supply of the duodenum is primarily derived from which of the following:

  • Lymphatic Drainage of the Anal Canal

    A 69 year old man presents to ED complaining of rectal bleeding. Examination reveals a tumour below the pectinate line. Which of the followi

  • Functional Anatomy of the Nephron

    The renal corpuscle, consisting of the Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus is found where in the kidney:

  • Surface Anatomy of the Abdominal Aorta

    The abdominal aorta bifurcates into its terminal branches at which of the following vertebral levels:

  • Factors affecting Membrane Diffusion

    Which of the following statements is INCORRECT. Fick's law tells us that the rate of diffusion of a gas across a membrane increases as:

  • Origin of the Spinal Cord

    The spinal cord is continuous superiorly with the:

  • Definition of Pathogen

    Which of the following best describes a pathogen:

  • x

    Dermatomal Supply of the Thoracic Wall

    The T6 dermatome is best tested at which of the following landmarks:

  • Assessment of the Medial Thigh Muscles

    A patient presents with lower limb weakness. After a thorough examination, you suspect an injury to the muscles of the medial compartment of

  • Calculation of Mean

    What is the mean of the following data set; 3, 7, 5, 13, 20, 23, 39, 23, 40, 23, 14, 12, 56, 23, 29:

  • Clinical Features of Hepatitis A Infection

    Regarding hepatitis A, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Innervation of the Pectineus Muscle

    Imaging of a patient who has been involved in a car accident has shown damage to the nerve supplying the pectineus muscle. Which of the foll

  • Antipsychotics: Side Effects

    Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is characterised by all EXCEPT which one of the following:

  • Warfarin: Drug Interactions

    An 80 year old man requires treatment with an antibiotic. He takes warfarin for atrial fibrillation. What antibiotic is the safest choice fo

  • x

    Management of Tetanus-Prone Wounds

    A 85 year old veteran presents to ED with a puncture wound on his leg sustained on a rusty nail whilst out walking his dog this morning. The

  • Clinical Effects of Brachial Plexus Injury

    You are reviewing a patient following a fall from a horse. You suspect they may have an Erb's palsy as a result of a brachial plexus injury.

  • Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction

    The trigger to initiate the contractile process in skeletal muscle is:

  • Clinical Effects of Parietal Lobe Lesion

    A 65 year old lady presents to ED complaining of visual loss. Examination demonstrates visual loss in the lower left quadrant in both visual

  • Ligaments of the Ankle Joint

    A 21 year old professional athlete sustains an inversion injury to her left ankle during the 800m. Which of the following ligaments is most

  • Function of Catecholamines

    Which of the following is NOT a typical effect caused by adrenaline:

  • Distribution of Myotomes

    A 74 year old man presents with a three month history of worsening left shoulder and arm pain. On examination there is weakness of shoulder

  • Quinolones: Drug Interactions

    There is an increased risk of convulsions when quinolones are given concomitantly with which of the following class of drugs:

  • Clinical Features of Measles

    Regarding measles, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Movements of the Ankle Joint

    Which of the following nerves is most important for dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle joint:

  • Function of Saliva

    Saliva is important for all of the following functions EXCEPT for:

  • Ligaments of the Hip Joint

    A 76 year old woman present to the ED after feeling in a "pop" in her right hip. She recently underwent a right total hip replacement, you s

  • x

    Function of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

    Regarding the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Blood Supply to the Kidneys

    Regarding blood supply to the kidneys, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Production of the Thyroid Hormones

    Regarding the thyroid hormones, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Clinical Features of Threadworm Infection

    Regarding threadworms, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Movements of the Atlantoaxial Joint

    A 28 year old male was brought into ED by the police following a drunken brawl. He has been punched on his mandible, resulting in subluxatio

  • Function of Saliva

    Which of the following enzymes is NOT found in saliva:

  • Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

    Which of the following is the main risk factor for osteoporosis:

  • x

    Innervation of the Tongue

    A patient presents to ED complaining of an altered taste sensation. Taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue is carried by

  • Clinical Effects of Radial Nerve Injury

    A patient presents to ED complaining of weakness in her left arm. She tells you she sustained a fracture to this arm about 2 months ago, but

  • Infectious Disease caused by Streptococcus Pyogenes

    Streptococcus pyogenes is commonly implicated in all of the following infective diseases EXCEPT for:

  • Clinical Effects of Parietal Lobe Lesion

    Which of the following clinical features is most suggestive of a lesion of the parietal lobe:

  • Blood Groups

    Which of the following blood groups is the most common in the UK:

  • Causative Agents of Hospital Acquired Pneumonia

    A 69 year old presents to ED with a fever, a cough productive of thick green sputum and shortness of breath, 48 hours after being discharged

  • x

    Nerves of the Lumbar Plexus

    The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve innervates which of the following:

  • x

    Structure of the Glomerulus

    Mesangial cells surround the glomerular capillaries and act to perform all EXCEPT which of the following functions:

  • Diffusion and Permeability

    Regarding diffusion, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Vasoconstriction vs Vasodilation

    Which of the following is a vasodilating agent which plays a vital role in regulation of vascular tone:

  • Renal Handling of Sodium

    Which of the following hormones regulates Na+ reabsorption in the proximal tubule:

  • x

    Interpretation of Forest Plots

    Regarding forest plots in meta-analysis, the midpoint of the diamond represents:

  • Submental Lymph Nodes

    A 65 year old female smoker, presents to ED with a 3 month history of an ulcerated lesion on the middle of her lower lip. Biopsy demonstrat

  • x

    Measures of Central Tendency

    Regarding measures of central tendency, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Management of Oral Candidiasis

    Which of the following is usually used first line for oral candidiasis:

  • Blood Supply of the Heart

    Which of the following best describes the territory of supply of the right marginal artery:

  • x

    Oxygen Transport in the Blood

    Regarding oxygen transport, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Autoregulation of Renal Blood Flow

    In tubuloglomerular feedback, where is increased tubular flow rate detected in the nephron:

  • Structure of the Tracheobronchial Tree

    A 5 year old girl is brought in to ED having inhaled a small plastic object. Where in the tracheobronchial tree is the object most likely to

  • JVP Waveforms during the Cardiac Cycle

    Which of the following JVP waveforms corresponds with atrial systole:

  • Bones of the Medial Longitudinal Arch

    Which of the following bones does not help to form the medial longitudinal arch:

  • x

    Attachments of the Teres Major Muscle

    A 59 year old man presents to the ED complaining of pain and weakness in his left shoulder. You note medial rotation and extension of the sh

  • Platelets

    Platelet lysosomes contain which of the following:

  • x

    Gentamicin: Contraindications

    Gentamicin is contraindicated in which of the following:

  • Blood Supply of the Testis

    The testicular artery is a branch from which of the following blood vessels:

  • Intraperitoneal vs Retroperitoneal Organs

    A 23 year old patient is brought to ED following a road traffic accident. CT imaging demonstrates retroperitoneal injury. Which of the follo

  • Lithium: Toxicity

    Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of lithium toxicity:

  • Clinical Effects of Median Nerve Injury

    A 21 year old presents to ED with an injury to his left arm after falling from a skateboard. Imaging shows a supracondylar fracture. Which n

  • Definition of Lung Volumes and Capacities

    Vital capacity (VC) is calculated using which of the following:

  • Gentamicin: Pharmacology

    Regarding gentamicin, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Anatomy of the Eyeball

    Regarding the eyeball, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Function of the Serratus Anterior Muscle

    A 49 year old man presents to the Emergency Department after an alleged assault by multiple assailants. During examination he displays signs

  • Characteristics of the Cutaneous Circulation

    Regarding the cutaneous circulation, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Central vs Peripheral Chemoreceptors

    Ventilation may be increased by:

  • Adenosine: Drug Interactions

    The dose of adenosine must be quartered if given concomitantly in a patient taking which of the following drugs:

  • Definition of Lung Volumes and Capacities

    Which of the following describes the volume of air in the lungs after a maximum inspiration:

  • Renal Production of Hormones

    The kidneys produce all of the following hormones EXCEPT for:

  • Thiopental: Pharmacology

    Regarding thiopental sodium, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Statins: Pharmacology

    Regarding statins, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Articulations of the Tarsal Bones

    The calcaneus bone articulates with which of the following bones:

  • Clinical Features of Genital Herpes

    A 21 year old female patient presents to ED complaining of a painful blistering rash on her genitals and swollen inguinal lymph nodes, follo

  • Innervation of the Parotid Gland

    Sensory innervation of the parotid gland is provided by which of the following nerves:

  • Loop Diuretics: Indications

    Loop diuretics are primarily indicated for which of the following:

  • T Lymphocytes

    Regarding cytotoxic T cells, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Natural Killer Cells

    Which of the following best describes a natural killer cell:

  • Clinical Features of Hyperthyroidism

    Which of the following clinical features is NOT typical of hyperthyroidism:

  • Function of Parathyroid Hormone

    Which of the following is NOT an action of parathyroid hormone (PTH):

  • Causative Agent of Shingles

    Shingles is caused by which of the following viruses:

  • Muscle Relaxants: Mechanism of Action

    Which of the following is a depolarising muscle relaxant drug:

  • Prednisolone: Indications

    Prednisolone would be most useful for which of the following conditions:

  • Structure of the Ductus Deferens

    The ductus deferens originates from which of the following structures:

  • x

    Management of Malaria

    A 28 year old woman, who is 10 weeks pregnant, is brought to ED with drowsiness and confusion. She has had a persistent fever since recently

  • Factors affecting the Starling Curve

    If the ejection fraction increases, there will be a decrease in:

  • Production and Function of Antidiuretic Hormone

    Regarding antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Surface Anatomy of the Heart

    A 21 year old is brought to ED following a head-on collision with a tree in which he received severe blunt trauma to his sternum from the st

  • Mechanism of Action of Diuretics

    At which Na+ transporter do thiazide diuretics primarily act:

  • x

    Proton Pump Inhibitors: Pharmacology

    Regarding proton pump inhibitors, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Mechanism of Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatch

    Regarding V/Q mismatch, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Mechanism of Postural Hypotension

    What is the initial physiological effect resulting in postural hypotension:

  • Innervation of the Urinary Bladder

    The bladder receives its efferent parasympathetic fibres derived from spinal cord segments:

  • Renal Handling of Potassium

    Renal potassium excretion is promoted by all but which one of the following:

  • Bones of the Lateral Longitudinal Arch

    Which of the following bones does NOT help to form the lateral longitudinal arch:

  • Immunoglobulins

    Which of the following immunoglobulin molecules can cross the placenta:

  • Haemostasis

    Which of the following is the most potent stimulus of fibrinolysis:

  • x

    Ligaments of the Knee Joint

    The oblique popliteal ligament is an extension of which of the following muscles:

  • Changes in Alveolar Pressure

    Regarding pressures and airflow during the normal breathing cycle, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Contents of the Femoral Canal

    You are teaching hip and thigh anatomy to a group of medical students. The femoral canal contains which of the following structures:

  • Definition of Lung Volumes and Capacities

    Which of the following best describes the total lung capacity (TLC):

  • Immune Response

    Regarding Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Contents of the Anatomical Snuffbox

    A 54 year old man presents to the ED after tripping on a kerb. He tells you he fell onto his outstretched right hand. He complains of pain

  • x

    Definition of Negative Correlation Coefficient

    Regarding relationships between two variables, what does a negative correlation coefficient of -1 indicate:

  • Definition of Lung Volumes and Capacities

    Which of the following describes the volume of air that can be inspired at the end of a resting inspiration:

  • Blood Supply of the Visual Pathway

    The visual cortex is mainly supplied by which of the following blood vessels:

  • Clinical Effects of Oculomotor Nerve Lesion

    Oculomotor (CN III) palsy with sparing of the pupillary reflex is most likely caused by which of the following:

  • Movements of the Hip Joint

    You are examining the lower limb of a 54 year old man who presented after falling from a ladder at home. During your neurological assessment

  • Abciximab: Mechanism of Action

    What is the mechanism of action of abciximab:

  • Function of the Membrane Proteins

    Regarding cell signalling, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Incubation Period of Norovirus

    Norovirus has an incubation period of approximately:

  • Statins: Mechanism of Action

    What is the mechanism of action of simvastatin:

  • Pharmacological Management of Acute Asthma

    A 19 year old student presents to ED with severe acute asthma. You prescribe a salbutamol and ipratropium bromide nebuliser. What is the mos

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