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Questions Answered: 180

Final Score 76%



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  • Q180. X Incorrect


Lower Limb

Question 152 of 180

A 32 year old man presents to the ED after falling through a glass door. He has sustained a deep laceration to the thigh. Imaging shows a source of bleeding in the medial thigh. The medial thigh receives its blood supply primarily from which of the following arteries:


The profunda femoris is the primary artery of the medial thigh, assisted by the obturator artery.

Femoral Artery

The major artery supplying the lower limb is the femoral artery.

Anatomical Course

The femoral artery is the continuation of the external iliac artery, beginning as the vessel passes under the inguinal ligament to enter the femoral triangle in the anterior thigh.

The femoral artery can be palpated in the femoral triangle as it passes over the femoral head, just inferior to the inguinal ligament, midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis (at the mid-inguinal point).

The femoral vein lies immediately medial to this pulsation, which is an important landmark for central venous line insertion. Medial to the femoral vein is the femoral canal which contains lymphatics and lies immediately lateral to the pubic tubercle. The femoral nerve lies lateral to the femoral artery.

The femoral artery gives rise to the deep profunda femoris artery in the femoral triangle which is a major source of blood supply to the medial and posterior compartments of the thigh and the proximal femur.

After exiting the femoral triangle, the femoral artery continues down the anterior surface of the thigh via the adductor canal. During its descent it supplies the anterior thigh, giving rise to numerous superficial cutaneous branches.

The femoral artery becomes the popliteal artery after entering the posterior compartment of the thigh through the adductor hiatus just proximal to the knee.

Modified by FRCEM Success. Original by Henry Vandyke Carter [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Femoral Artery. (Image modified by FRCEM Success. Original by Henry Vandyke Carter [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

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  • Biochemistry
  • Blood Gases
  • Haematology
Biochemistry Normal Value
Sodium 135 – 145 mmol/l
Potassium 3.0 – 4.5 mmol/l
Urea 2.5 – 7.5 mmol/l
Glucose 3.5 – 5.0 mmol/l
Creatinine 35 – 135 μmol/l
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 5 – 35 U/l
Gamma-glutamyl Transferase (GGT) < 65 U/l
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) 30 – 135 U/l
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) < 40 U/l
Total Protein 60 – 80 g/l
Albumin 35 – 50 g/l
Globulin 2.4 – 3.5 g/dl
Amylase < 70 U/l
Total Bilirubin 3 – 17 μmol/l
Calcium 2.1 – 2.5 mmol/l
Chloride 95 – 105 mmol/l
Phosphate 0.8 – 1.4 mmol/l
Haematology Normal Value
Haemoglobin 11.5 – 16.6 g/dl
White Blood Cells 4.0 – 11.0 x 109/l
Platelets 150 – 450 x 109/l
MCV 80 – 96 fl
MCHC 32 – 36 g/dl
Neutrophils 2.0 – 7.5 x 109/l
Lymphocytes 1.5 – 4.0 x 109/l
Monocytes 0.3 – 1.0 x 109/l
Eosinophils 0.1 – 0.5 x 109/l
Basophils < 0.2 x 109/l
Reticulocytes < 2%
Haematocrit 0.35 – 0.49
Red Cell Distribution Width 11 – 15%
Blood Gases Normal Value
pH 7.35 – 7.45
pO2 11 – 14 kPa
pCO2 4.5 – 6.0 kPa
Base Excess -2 – +2 mmol/l
Bicarbonate 24 – 30 mmol/l
Lactate < 2 mmol/l

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