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  • Borders of the Heart

    The superior border of the heart is formed predominantly by which of the following:

  • x

    Anatomical Course of the Common Fibular Nerve

    A 21 year old horse rider sustains a kick to the left leg from one of her horses. She has a large bruise over the head of the fibula and you

  • x

    Function of Lung Receptors

    Stimulation of J receptors located on alveolar and bronchial walls results in all of the following EXCEPT for:

  • Factors affecting Airway Resistance

    Regarding airway resistance, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Mechanism of the Baroreceptor Reflex

    The afferent component of the baroreceptor reflex is carried in which of the following:

  • Calculation of the Anion Gap

    A 35 year old man is brought to the emergency department having been found collapsed by his girlfriend. Calculate his anion gap using the bl

  • x

    Function of the Proximal Tubule

    Regarding reabsorption in the proximal tubule, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Haemoglobin

    Foetal haemoglobin (HbF) is made up of which of the following globin chains:

  • x

    Production of Somatostatin

    Somatostatin release is inhibited by which of the following:

  • x

    Function of Activated Vitamin D

    What is the effect of activated vitamin D on the renal handling of calcium:

  • x

    Metronidazole: Pharmacology

    Regarding metronidazole, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Definition of Lung Volumes and Capacities

    You are reviewing a patient who has presented with breathlessness. She tells you she has recently undergone lung function tests. Which of th

  • Carbamazepine: Interactions

    A 21 year old woman presents to ED with pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding. Her pregnancy test is positive. She tells you she has been taking

  • x

    Dermatomal Supply of the Lower Limb

    A 23 year old horse rider is brought to the ED following a fall during a show jumping competition. She complains of pain in her lumbar spine

  • Pharmacological Management of Hypoglycaemia

    You are called to attend to a patient with a blood glucose of 3.5 mmol/L. He is conscious and alert. What is the most appropriate initial tr

  • Surface Anatomy of the Oesophagus

    The oesophagus begins at which vertebral level:

  • Causes of Hyperthyroidism

    Which of the following is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism:

  • x

    Types of Statistical Tests

    Which of the following is an example of a non-parametric test:

  • Structure of the Corpus Callosum

    The two cerebral hemispheres are connected by which of the following structures:

  • Enterohepatic Circulation of Bile Acids

    Regarding bile acids, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Surface Anatomy of the Pulmonary Trunk

    The pulmonary trunk arises from the conus arteriosus of the right ventricle at which of the following locations:

  • Incomplete Lesions of the Spinal Cord

    A 71 year old man walks into ED following a fall. He is complaining of neck pain and weakness affecting his upper limbs more than his lower

  • Movements of the Temporomandibular Joint

    Protraction of the mandible is produced primarily by which of the following muscles:

  • x

    Innervation of the Triceps Brachii Muscle

    You are asked by a consultant to perform a neurological examination of the upper limb on a gentleman presenting with left arm weakness. You

  • x

    Nerves of the Lumbar Plexus

    The femoral nerve is formed from the anterior rami of:

  • x

    Innervation of the Rectum

    The parasympathetic supply to the rectum is from which of the following:

  • x

    Attachments of the Flexor Retinaculum

    A 29 year old woman is brought to the ED after concerns were raised for her welfare by a neighbour. She has a deep laceration to the anterio

  • Blood Supply of the Pancreas

    The arterial supply to the pancreas is mainly derived from which of the following:

  • x

    Structure of the Sympathetic Nervous System

    Regarding the sympathetic nervous system, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Function of the Juxtaglomerular Apparatus

    What is the role of the juxtaglomerular (granular) cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus:

  • x

    Clinical Features of Diabetes Insipidus

    Which of the following is NOT a typical clinical feature in diabetes insipidus:

  • x

    Ipratropium Bromide: Mechanism of Action

    You are prescribing ipratropium bromide for a patient who has presented with an exacerbation of her COPD. What is the mechanism of action of

  • x

    Components of Gastric Juice

    Gastric juice contains all but which one of the following:

  • x

    Cutaneous Innervation of the Face

    The skin over the posterior temple and scalp anterior to the ear is primarily supplied by which of the following nerves:

  • x

    Pathogenesis of Tetanus

    Regarding Clostridium tetani, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Exclusion Period for Measles

    A 5 year old presents to ED with a rash associated with Koplik's spots. Measles is diagnosed. What should the parents be advised about retur

  • Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

    Which of the following is the main risk factor for osteoporosis:

  • x

    Origin of the Radial Nerve

    A 45 year old woman presents to the ED on New Year's Day. She complains of loss of feeling over the dorsum of her hand and is unable to exte

  • Microbial Mechanisms of Attachment

    A patient presents with a gastrointestinal infection. Which of the following microbes attaches to gut mucosa via a specialised sucking disc:

  • Stages of Cellular Respiration

    Regarding anaerobic respiration, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Clinical Effects of Oculomotor Nerve Lesion

    A patient complains of diplopia and on examination is found to have eye deviation downwards and outwards. Which of the following nerves is m

  • x

    Suprahyoid vs Infrahyoid Muscles

    Regarding the neck muscles, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • x

    Structure of the Inguinal Ligament

    The inguinal ligament spans between which of the following two structures:

  • EMLA Cream: Mechanism of Action

    EMLA cream is a topical local anaesthetic containing which of the following:

  • ALS Treatment Algorithm

    In adult advanced life support, the defibrillator pads should be placed at which of the following positions:

  • Vitamin K Deficiency

    Regarding vitamin K, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Ligaments of the Elbow Joint

    A 23 year old woman presents to the ED after falling and sustaining a dislocation of the right elbow. Regarding the ligaments of the elbow,

  • Structure of the Pelvis

    The pelvic bone is formed by which of the following:

  • x


    Lymphopenia typically occurs in all of the following EXCEPT for:

  • Adrenaline: Mechanism of Action

    Adrenaline acts on which of the following receptors:

  • x

    Movements of the Thoracic Wall

    You are measuring peak flow in a patient who presented with shortness of breath. Which of the following muscles is most important for forced

  • x

    Dermatomal Supply of the Lower Limb

    You are examining a 38 year old woman who presents with lower back pain associated with bilateral sciatica. On examination you note loss of

  • x

    Control of Respiration

    Regarding central control of respiration, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Characteristics of the Cutaneous Circulation

    Regarding the cutaneous circulation, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Carbon Dioxide Transport in the Blood

    Regarding carbon dioxide transport in the blood, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Routine Immunisation Schedule

    Hepatitis B vaccine is given at which of the following intervals in the UK routine childhood immunisation schedule:

  • x

    Production and Function of Insulin

    Regarding insulin, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Definition of Virulence

    Which of the following best describes virulence:

  • Palpation of the Posterior Tibial Artery

    You are performing a vascular examination on a patient with suspected claudication. The posterior tibial artery pulse is best palpated at w

  • Production of Catecholamines

    Catecholamines are secreted by which of the following:

  • Management of Tuberculosis

    A patient on treatment for tuberculosis infection presents to ED. Regarding the management of TB, which of the following statements is CORRE

  • Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells

    Regarding the human cell, which of the following cell organelles is responsible for the production of ATP:

  • Movements of the Eyeballs

    Elevation of the eyeball is primarily produced by which of the following muscles:

  • x

    Ketamine: Side Effects

    Which of the following is NOT a common side effect of ketamine:

  • Water Absorption in the Small Intestine

    Regarding water and electrolyte absorption in the small intestine, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • x

    Regulation of Prolactin

    Dopamine released from the hypothalamus acts to cause which of the following:

  • Production of Insulin

    Insulin is produced by which of the following pancreatic cells:

  • x

    Clinical Features of SIADH

    Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in a euvolaemic patient who has the following biochemical abnormalities; hyponatraemia,

  • x

    Cephalosporins: Pharmacology

    Regarding cephalosporin antibiotics, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • x

    Branches of the Facial Nerve

    A 21 year old man is brought into ED having sustained trauma to the face with facial nerve injury. The frontalis muscle is spared but the or

  • x

    Branches of the Mandibular Nerve

    The auriculotemporal nerve carries general sensation from all of the following regions EXCEPT for the:

  • x

    Clinical Effects of Frontal Lobe Lesion

    A 69 year old patient is brought to ED with acute onset facial weakness on the right side, and difficulty with speech. He is able to respond

  • x

    Characteristics of the Cerebral Circulation

    Regarding the cerebral circulation, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Clinical Effects of Radial Nerve Injury

    A 19 year old student fell asleep after a night of drinking with his arm hanging over the back of a chair. He presents to ED complaining of

  • Clinical Features of Clostridium Difficile Colitis

    A 73 year old patient who has recently been discharged from a prolonged stay in hospital, including a stay on ITU where she was being treate

  • Cutaneous Innervation of the Face

    You are testing the sensation of the face in a patient who presented with facial droop. Which of the following nerves supplies the skin abov

  • x

    Contents of the Popliteal Fossa

    A 24 year old man sustains a laceration of his left leg that transects the superficial vein that enters the popliteal fossa to terminate in

  • x

    Hydrostatic vs Oncotic Pressure

    Regarding the microcirculation, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Clinical Effects of Temporal Lobe Lesion

    Which of the following clinical features is most suggestive of a lesion of the temporal lobe:

  • Reversible Cell Damage

    Which of the following features of cell damage tends to be reversible:

  • ECG Deflections during the Cardiac Cycle

    Which of the following represents atrial depolarisation on the ECG:

  • Anatomy of the Glossopharyngeal Nerve

    Regarding the glossopharyngeal nerve, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Clinical Features of Graves' Disease

    Which of the following clinical features is NOT typical of Graves' disease:

  • Causative Agent of Scarlet Fever

    A 5 year old child is brought to ED with a widespread sandpaper-like rash and a sore tongue shown below. She has been off school over the l

  • x

    Normal Partial Pressure of Nitrogen

    If the atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa, what is the partial pressure of nitrogen in dry inhaled air:

  • x

    Management of Gonorrhoea

    A patient presents to ED with a 2 day history of burning pain when passing urine and a green urethral discharge. He tells you his partner ha

  • x

    Control of Gastric Acid Secretion

    Secretion of hydrochloric acid from parietal cells is inhibited by all of the following hormones EXCEPT for:

  • Structure of the Inguinal Ligament

    The inguinal ligament is formed from which of the following:

  • x

    Function of the Endothelium

    Nitric oxide release from endothelium is stimulated by all of the following EXCEPT for:

  • x

    Surface Anatomy of the Kidney

    The highest point of the hila of the kidneys lies at which of the following vertebral levels:

  • x

    Carbamazepine: Side Effects

    Which of the following is NOT a common side effect of carbamazepine:

  • Regulation of Parathyroid Hormone

    Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is primarily released in direct response to:

  • Nitrates: Indications

    Nitrates are most commonly used in the management of:

  • Increased vs Normal Anion Gap

    Which of the following is typically a cause of a normal anion gap metabolic acidosis:

  • Lobes of the Liver

    The liver is divided into the left and right lobes by which of the following structures:

  • x

    List of Notifiable Diseases

    Which of the following is NOT a notifiable disease:

  • Renal Handling of Potassium

    How is filtered K+ mainly reabsorbed in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle:

  • -

    Glucagon: Indications

    Glucagon may be used as an antidote for overdose with which of the following:

  • Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells

    You are seeing a child with known mitochondrial disease who has presented breathlessness and cough. Which of the following best describes th

  • x

    Calculation of Sensitivity

    A new blood test is being developed to diagnose DVT. 1000 people presenting to ED with suspected DVT undergo the new blood test and the gol

  • x

    Routine Immunisation Schedule

    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine is given at which of the following intervals in the UK routine childhood immunisation schedule:

  • Tissue Regeneration and Repair

    Regarding damage of muscle cells, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • x

    Definitions of Hypothesis Testing

    In hypothesis testing, what does alpha denote:

  • Red Blood Cells

    Where in the body is most erythropoietin produced:

  • Transmission of Mumps

    Mumps is primarily transmitted by which of the following routes:

  • x

    Cutaneous Innervation of the Lower Limb

    The skin over the lower posterolateral leg is primarily supplied by which of the following nerves:

  • x

    Clinical Features of Diabetes Insipidus

    A patient presents with polyuria and polydipsia. Biochemistry results demonstrate a raised plasma osmolality and a low urine osmolality. Wh

  • Tissue Regeneration and Repair

    Regarding damage of brain cells, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Function of the Quadratus Lumborum Muscle

    The quadratus lumborum muscle contributes to which of the following movements:

  • x

    Digital Attachments of the Flexor Muscles

    A 49 year old patient sustains a crush injury to his left hand. You are assessing muscle tendon function. Regarding the digital attachments

  • Muscles of the Posterior Abdominal Wall

    Which of the following muscles lies adjacent to the lateral border of the quadratus lumborum muscle:

  • x

    Anatomy of the Larynx

    Regarding the larynx, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Function of Bile Acids

    Bile acids are essential for the digestion and absorption of which of the following:

  • Function of the Stomach

    Which of the following is NOT a function of the stomach:

  • Prochlorperazine: Mechanism of Action

    What is the main mechanism of action of prochlorperazine:

  • x

    Life Cycle of Plasmodium Spp.

    Regarding the Plasmodium spp. life cycle, which of the following is injected by the mosquito's bite:

  • x

    Measurement of Renal Plasma Flow

    The normal renal plasma flow in a healthy adult is about ________ :

  • x

    Origin of the Ulnar Nerve

    You are part of the trauma team caring for a 43 year old motorcyclist who has fallen from his bike in bad weather. His primary survey is unr

  • Function of the Common Fibular Nerve

    The common fibular nerve directly innervates which of the following muscles:

  • x

    Anaemia Overview

    Regarding anaemia, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Innervation of the Pterygoid Muscles

    The medial and lateral pterygoid muscles are innervated by which of the following nerves:

  • x

    Site of Emergency Cricothyroidotomy

    A 18 year old man presents to ED with gross lip and tongue swelling and difficulty breathing. He has a known peanut allergy and had been ea

  • x

    Function of the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

    The sternocleidomastoid muscle acts to produce which of the following movements:

  • x

    T Lymphocytes

    Regarding T-cells, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Structure of the Cell Membrane

    Regarding the cell membrane, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • x

    Pathway of the Corneal Blink Reflex

    Which of the following nerves is the efferent pathway of the corneal blink reflex:

  • x

    Production of Intrinsic Factor

    Intrinsic factor is secreted by which of the following cell types in the stomach:

  • x

    Layers of the Neck Fascia

    Regarding the neck fascia, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Clinical Features of Hypothyroidism

    Which of the following clinical features is NOT typical of hypothyroidism:

  • x

    Regulation of Iron Metabolism

    Regarding hepcidin, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Factors affecting Lung Compliance

    Compliance is decreased by all of the following EXCEPT for:

  • x

    Attachments of the Anterior Scalene Muscle

    The anterior scalene muscle inserts onto which of the following structures:

  • x

    Clinical Features of Primary Hyperthyroidism

    Which of the following biochemical patterns is most typical of primary hyperthyroidism:

  • Clinical Features of Tetanus

    Regarding tetanus, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Innervation of the Masseter Muscle

    The masseter muscle is innervated by which of the following nerves:

  • x

    Structure of the Parasympathetic Nervous System

    Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons run in which of the following cranial nerves:

  • x

    Glucagon: Mechanism of Action

    Which of the following is an action of glucagon:

  • x

    Viruses of Herpesviridae Family

    Which of the following viruses is NOT part of the herpes family:

  • Thiopental: Side Effects

    Which of the following is NOT a typical effect of thiopental sodium:

  • x

    Attachments of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle

    An 85 year old man presents to the ED following a fall at home. On examination you note he is tender over the distal attachment of the latis

  • Surface Anatomy of the Kidney

    A 29 year old rugby player presents to ED complaining of left flank pain. Imaging shows a fracture of the angle of the twelfth rib on the le

  • x

    Calculation of Positive Likelihood Ratio

    A new blood test is being developed to diagnose DVT. 1000 people presenting to ED with suspected DVT undergo the new blood test and the gol

  • x

    Ciprofloxacin: Pharmacology

    Regarding ciprofloxacin, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • x

    Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

    Which of the following laboratory findings is NOT typical of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC):

  • Infectious Disease caused by Rhinovirus

    Rhinovirus is primarily implicated in which of the following infectious diseases:

  • x

    Pharmacological Management of Gout

    Regarding the management of gout, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Statins: Side Effects

    Which of the following is NOT an adverse effect associated with statin therapy:

  • x

    Sodium Valproate: Side Effects

    Which of the following is a well recognised adverse effect of sodium valproate:

  • Anatomical Relations of the Lung

    The medial surface of the right lung lies adjacent to all of the following structures except for the:

  • x

    Location of the Gallbladder

    The gallbladder is located on which of the following aspects of the liver:

  • Nitrous Oxide: Pharmacology

    Regarding nitrous oxide, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Movements of the Hand Joints

    A 16 year old girl presents complaining of weakness of her left hand following an injury to her left arm. On examination she has weakness of

  • Clinical Features of Gas Gangrene

    Regarding gas gangrene, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Dynamic Compression of the Airways

    Regarding dynamic compression of the airways, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Clinical Effects of Obturator Nerve Injury

    You are giving a teaching session to a group of final year medical students regarding lower limb neurology. Which of the following clinical

  • Factors affecting the Starling Curve

    What is the effect of a positive inotrope on the Starling curve:

  • Branches of the Mandibular Nerve

    The lingual nerve supplies which of the following:

  • Pharmacological Management of DKA

    Regarding the management of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), once the blood-glucose concentration falls below 14 mmol/L, glucose should be given

  • x

    Intraperitoneal vs Retroperitoneal Organs

    Which of the following structures is NOT retroperitoneal:

  • Definition of Lung Volumes and Capacities

    Which of the following describes the volume of air breathed in by a maximum inspiration at the end of a resting expiration:

  • x

    Immune Response

    Which of the following is NOT a granulocyte:

  • Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells

    Regarding the human cell, which of the following cell organelles contains most of the cell's genetic material:

  • NSAIDs: Pharmacology

    Regarding NSAIDs, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

  • Clinical Features of Rotavirus Infection

    A 3 year old girl is brought to ED with a 2 day history of diarrhoea and vomiting. Several other children at nursery have been off with the

  • Development of the Paranasal Sinuses

    Which of the following paranasal sinuses are present at birth:

  • x

    Management of Urinary Tract Infection

    A 65 year old man presents to ED complaining of fever and rigors. He explains that he has pain in his perineal area, dysuria and pain on def

  • Pharmacological Management of Status Epilepticus

    Which of the following is first-line for management of status epilepticus:

  • Causative Agent of Pertussis

    A 10 year old child is brought into ED with recurrent, violent coughing fits that are followed by vomiting. He has been off school with a co

  • x

    Types of Data

    Which of the following is an example of discrete data:

  • x

    Mechanism of Carbohydrate Digestion

    Regarding carbohydrate digestion, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Production of Parathyroid Hormone

    Parathyroid hormone is released by which of the following:

  • x

    Attachments of the Serratus Anterior Muscle

    You have been asked by a consultant colleague to prepare a teaching session for a group of medical students. He would like you to focus on t

  • Flumazenil: Indications

    Flumazenil is a reversal agent for which of the following groups of drugs:

  • Calculation of Positive Predictive Value

    The results from the study investigating the accuracy of a new diagnostic test can be displayed in the following format. How is the positi

  • x

    Clinical Features of Hepatitis A Infection

    Regarding hepatitis A, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • x

    Location of the Substantia Nigra

    The substantia nigra is located in which of the following regions of the brain:

  • x

    Characteristics of the Pulmonary Circulation

    Regarding the pulmonary circulation, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

  • Factors affecting Functional Residual Capacity

    The functional residual capacity (FRC) will be decreased in which of the following:

  • x

    Functional Anatomy of the Pituitary Gland

    Which of the following statements regarding the pituitary gland is CORRECT:

  • Function of the Pituitary Gland

    Which of the following hormones originates in the anterior pituitary:

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