Revision Resources

June 2019 FOAMed

Nebulized TXA for Hemoptysis

Hemoptysis can be scary. However, even when the hemoptysis is small volume, it can be quite distressing to patients and clinicians alike. This paper asks whether using nebulized tranexamic acid (or TXA) for hemoptysis results in less bleeding.

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A Case of Severe Shoulder Pain

A 45 year old woman presents with several days of gradually worsening right shoulder pain and stiffness. Her shoulder is very warm to the touch but not erythematous. You obtain shoulder x-rays and see a linear density in the AP view (photo credit).

What is the most likely diagnosis, the differential diagnosis, and management plan?

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Eponymous ankle and talus injuries

The Danis-Weber classification (more commonly – the Weber classification) is a simple method of describing ankle fractures.

It has three categories (Type A, B and C.) based primarily upon the fracture of the fibula. The higher (more proximal) the fibular fracture, the greater the likelihood for ankle mortise insufficiency. first described by Robert Danis in 1949 and later modified and popularised by Bernhard Georg Weber in 1972, 10 years after Danis’ death.

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Antepartum Hemorrhage

Antepartum hemorrhage (APH) refers to vaginal bleeding after 20 completed weeks of pregnancy. It is an important condition to understand, as it has a different set of causes compared to the more familiar bleeding in early pregnancy. Additionally, management is going to involve delivery decisions and potentially the risk of a preterm delivery. It is important to have multidisciplinary collaboration early in the care of these women.

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Burn and Inhalation Injuries

Burn and inhalation injury patients present to the ED more often than one might think, with a staggering half a million annual visits in the USA alone. It turns out that for all burn patients—from minor to severe—there is a lot of room for improvement in ED management, counselling and disposition. Things like inaccurate estimation of burn size, unnecessary endotracheal intubation, over- and under-estimation of fluid resuscitation volumes, inadequate analgesia and inappropriate wound dressings are just some of the issues where a small change to ED practice patterns could have a huge impact on patient care.

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