Please first try the following steps to resolve the issue:
- Try logging out and then back into your account – please use the forgotten password link to reset your password if necessary.
- Try closing and restarting your internet browser.
- Try clearing the cache and cookies in your internet browser – you can find instructions for how to do this for your specific browser online.
- Try using a different internet browser – we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome for the best experience of our site.
If these initial steps do not resolve the issue, you could also try the following steps:
- Try turning off browser extensions or ad blockers – these may block certain features of our site.
- Try using a different computer or mobile device – our site may not be compatible with every single device.
- Try using a different internet connection – some internet connections block certain features, particularly hospital or work-based connections.
Please Contact Us if you are having ongoing technical difficulties with the website. If you see an error message or any other display errors, please describe these in detail or ideally send a screenshot image so we can understand the exact issue in order for us to help you as quickly as possible.