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Questions Answered: 24

Final Score 88%


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  • Clinical Effects of Radial Nerve Injury

    A 71 year old lady attends ED complaining of pain in her arm following a fall. Imaging demonstrates a midshaft humerus fracture. An injury o

  • Innervation of the Teres Major Muscle

    You are asked to review a 27 year old woman who presents to the ED after she was stabbed in the posterior shoulder during an altercation. Th

  • Clinical Effects of Median Nerve Injury

    A 42 year old construction worker has sustained a penetrating injury to his left forearm. On examination, he is unable to form the 'ok' sign

  • Attachments of the Serratus Anterior Muscle

    You have been asked by a consultant colleague to prepare a teaching session for a group of medical students. He would like you to focus on t

  • Clinical Effects of Extensor Tendon Injury

    A 26 year old woman presents to ED having sustained a deep laceration to the dorsum of her ring finger whilst cooking. Her proximal interpha

  • Function of the Pectoralis Minor Muscle

    A 35 year old man presents to the ED after falling approximately 1 metre from a ladder, landing on his right shoulder. Your consultant exami

  • Muscles of the Thenar Eminence

    You have been asked to review a 32 year old pastry chef. She sustained a laceration to her left thenar eminence whilst working. Which of th

  • Clinical Effects of Extensor Tendon Injury

    A 34 year old patient presents to ED having sustained an injury to her right hand whilst playing cricket. She is unable to fully straighten

  • Attachments of the Lumbrical Muscles

    A 21 year old man presents to the ED after sustaining a penetrating knife injury to the hand. You suspect injury to the structure attached

  • Clinical Effects of Ulnar Nerve Injury

    A patient presents to ED having fallen on her left arm at a roller disco party. She has fractured the medial epicondyle of the humerus and d

  • Muscles of the Posterior Forearm

    A 23 year old woman sustains a laceration injury to her posterior forearm. Which of the following muscles would you least expect to be affec

  • Clinical Effects of Radial Nerve Injury

    A 34 year old woman sustains a midshaft humerus fracture with nerve damage falling off a horse. Which of the following movements would most

  • Articulations of the Shoulder Joint

    A 32 year old karate instructor presents to the ED following a training session. He describes falling onto his abducted left arm. The patien

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    Clinical Effects of Median Nerve Injury

    A 29 year old male presents to ED having falling awkwardly during a judo match. On examination he is unable to flex his index and middle fin

  • Muscles of the Anterior Forearm

    A patient sustains an injury to the anterior compartment of the forearm after falling from a bicycle. Which of the following muscles would y

  • Cutaneous Innervation of the Upper Limb

    A 82 year old woman is brought to the ED by her son. She complains of numbness in her fingers, her son was concerned this may have been a st

  • Anatomy of the Palmar Arches

    You have been asked to teach a group of medical students about hand injuries. You cover some anatomical principles including blood supply to

  • Function of the Serratus Anterior Muscle

    A 49 year old man presents to the Emergency Department after an alleged assault by multiple assailants. During examination he displays signs

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    Clinical Effects of Ulnar Nerve Injury

    A 24 year old butcher has sustained a deep laceration to the distal crease of the wrist where he has cut through the ulnar nerve. Which of t

  • Function of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle

    Whilst examining the shoulder of a 27 year old woman you note she has weakness of certain movements. You suspect this is due to weakness of

  • Cutaneous Innervation of the Upper Limb

    You are asked to review a 62 year old woman who presents with a numb left arm. On examination you note she lacks sensation to the skin over

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    Clinical Effects of Ulnar Nerve Injury

    A 48 year old presents to ED having sustained a deep laceration to his right upper limb. On examination he is unable to extend the interphal

  • Attachments of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle

    An 85 year old man presents to the ED following a fall at home. On examination you note he is tender over the distal attachment of the latis

  • Attachments of the Interosseous Muscles

    A 21 year old mechanic presents to ED after sustaining a crush injury to his middle finger whilst at work. Which of the following muscles i

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